Billing System Upgrade

The Client/billing system which allows you to manage your services was upgraded. Please contact support if you experience any issues.

5th Jan 2011
Server Upgrade

Our server was upgraded, you may experience various oddities while accessing your services. One of these may be SSL certificate promps that may happen during sending/receiving email. This certificate is being provided in order to encrypt your communications, and it is needed for safe communication. In case prompted, just accept and save that ... Read More »

5th Jan 2011
Billing system upgrade

Dear Mind on the Net Members, Due to various considerations, we have moved our billing system to a new software. You should find this software giving you more control, while being similarly easy to use like the old one. All your account history, information, domains, accounts, addons, transactions have been moved to the new system. Please try ... Read More »

30th Jan 2009

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